Their seems to have been a halt in the growth of sustainable consumption within Gen Z.
We can see a clear divide in our generation but It’s not about which side you will choose.
Read more to understand each side of the divide a little bit more and how we can come together to move forward.
Within the Gen Z generation we can see opposites regarding the relationship they have with their clothing. Some people shop consciously, buying only what they need and choosing second hand clothing first. However, some people do buy fast fashion, enjoying the constant change of trends which can lead to over consuming. Being part of the generation that’s supposed to in-act change makes me wonder - how can we succeed when there is a divide between us?
To try and narrow this gap i need to understand the way each side of this generation thinks. What is their relationship with their clothing? What’s it’s purpose to them? How do they consider sustainability? I have asked two people the same questions. One shops consciously and one does not.
The two sides both share the view that, for them, clothing is used as a form of expression. It’s difficult to make sustainability and expression work hand in hand - expression demands experimentation which is always successful. Something you thought would suit you might not or an outfit you’ve purchased might look different to what you’ve expected. When purchasing garments you don’t end up wearing isn’t the way to be sustainable, how can those of us that want to experiment do both?
Sustainability isn’t black and white and this needs to be acknowledged. There are different routes of sustainability we can follow. It’s seen that those who make an effort to shop consciously in our generation can choose to shop second hand or at vintage stores as they can purchase a trend to experiment with in a less harmful way. Yes, the items may not be made of 100% organic materials but this option is still more sustainable than buying from a fast fashion brand. As well as being the generation that’s suppose to in-act change, we are also an innovative and creative generation. Both sides want to be expressive - when stripped back to basics, we all have the same purpose for fashion.
The divide is more apparent when we consider the needs we have for clothing. One side prioritises comfort and quality, the other the look and aesthetic. Why do we feel that these shouldn’t come hand in hand? Why can’t someone be comfortable and trendy at the same time? Our needs may be different but the over riding priority is the way the clothes make us feel – do they make us feel comfortable? Do they make us feel trendy?
One struggle that has surfaced with sustainability is that it comes with a certain aesthetic – minimalism. This false stereotype is not something that the majority of the Gen Z generation appreciate. Sustainability is basic and natural; it consists of staple pieces that all co-ordinate in a capsule wardrobe. This is not going to appeal to those who want to be bright, colourful and bold. Conscious shoppers can find some things they’re looking for in vintage stores but not without difficulties, its not always reliable and it can be a long process. Some people prioritise the quick delivery and endless options that mass production offers.
The pressures of society can be hard to keep up with. Both sides experience these pressures because of the expectations fashion creates. They can feel pressured to buy a new wardrobe every season to “look the part” or to gain confidence in social situations. Trying to meet these expectations can lead to us making bad choices, buying something they didn’t actually need or going on a shopping haul every now and then. Admitting that you have made mistakes and haven’t always shopped sustainably is more common in the conscious shoppers of our generation. Social media has
created the perception that becoming sustainable is a big life change - influencers only post about the sustainable aspects of their lives which makes it seem as though everything they are doing is sustainable. A similarity of both sides is that they both feel these pressures from society but only the conscious shopper will take this on board and try to change their shopping habits.
It can be easy to pass responsibility when you don’t fully understand what’s happening. Sustainability has become a taboo. There is so much pressure that it’s easier to not do anything at all for the fear of getting it wrong. Those who attempt to shop consciously value educating others about sustainability as it’s the easiest thing to do to support the cause. Others acknowledge that there is a lot to be done in the industry but feel they wouldn’t make that much of a difference so why bother? The conscious shoppers of the Gen Z generation see sustainability in simple terms; personal responsibility. They may not be able to buy 100% sustainable so think of other ways to reduce their impact – opting for vintage purchases or choosing a brand that’s embracing more sustainable production. One side believes anything they can do will make a difference whilst the other feels it’s the responsibility of the bigger brands to make a change - neither one is wrong but we need to come together and do both.
When we do come together it’s abundantly clear that we all want to be expressive, we all value how our clothes make us feel and we all feel the pressures of society.